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White Bean Soup

About this recipe

This is the way many restaurants make their bean soup. Measure out 1 lb. (2 cups) dried white beans (navy, Great Northern, or Cannellini) and soak overnight in lots of cold water. In the morning, rinse, pick out the ugly ones, and gently boil in fresh water for whatever the package says (until beans start to crack). Then rinse again and use as described below.


Place a large soup pot on the stove; turn heat to just under medium and fry:

Sauté everything together. When the onion is tender, add:

Cover and let wine absorb into everything for 10 minutes. Then remove lid and cook another few minutes until the wine has almost evaporated.

When everybody looks happy, add:

Cover and simmer for 45-60 minutes. When the vegetables are tender, it’s ready. Serve with Parmesan cheese (but you don’t have to).
